
November 17, 2020
  • Bob Chapman
  • Bob Chapman
    CEO & Chairman of Barry-Wehmiller

Before the COVID-19 pandemic hit – causing massive unemployment and a still uncertain forecast of what a recovery will look like – everything seemed to be trending upward for people in the U.S.

After all, we were experiencing record prosperity, low unemployment and relative peace in the world! 大家都说,生活很美好. 因此,人们应该是幸福的!

然而,在美国1亿全职员工中, 根据盖洛普的这些事实, were not:

“美国有1亿多全职员工. 这些员工中有三分之一是盖洛普所说的敬业型员工. They love their jobs and make their organization and America better every day. At the other end, 16% of employees are actively disengaged — they are miserable in the workplace and destroy what the most engaged employees build. 剩下51%的员工没有投入——他们只是呆在那里.

Only about one in five say their performance is managed in a way that motivates them to do outstanding work. Employees feel rather indifferent about their job and the work they are being asked to do. 公司没有给他们留下的令人信服的理由, so it should come as no surprise that most employees (91%) say the last time they changed jobs, 他们离开了自己的公司."

这些数据显然没有描绘出令人满意的员工队伍. And, after all the events of 2020, do we have any reason to believe that people are any happier now and not riddled with anxiety about their job and their future?

These numbers from Gallup point to the leadership crisis I’ve been talking about for some time. 尽管和平与繁荣,人们仍然不快乐,这是有原因的. Within our organizations, people need something more than what they're finding. Something deeper.


This was recently made clear to me in a column by Thomas Friedman, where he wrote:

"The poverty of dignity explains so much more behavior than the poverty of money. 人们会忍受艰苦、饥饿和痛苦. 他们会感激工作、汽车和福利. 但如果你让别人觉得丢脸, 他们会以一种不同于其他情感的凶猛回应, 或者拒绝为你动一根手指, if you show people respect, if you affirm their dignity, 他们会让你对他们说什么或问他们什么,这是令人惊讶的.

Many business leaders think that people should be grateful and happy simply because they have a job. 也许他们甚至有一份待遇优厚的工作. 但仅仅有一份工作和获得额外津贴并不是一切."

Every one of us, 不管推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜做什么工作,住在哪里, 只是想知道推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜是谁,推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜做什么很重要. As leaders in business, we have the awesome responsibility to let people know that they do. We have a responsibility to recognize the inherent dignity in our people and honor that, not break it.

当很多人每晚回家都没有被重视的感觉, 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜在家庭中看到如此多的冲突并不奇怪, 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜的社区和今天的世界. We have protests and unrest in cities because people do not feel listened to and feel their dignity is continually under assault.


我经常讲一个关于Steve Barlament的故事,他是推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜PCMC in Green Bay, WI. 根据一位领导的建议, I invited a group of our team members into a meeting to give a report about a project that led to significant performance improvements.

It was all the usual metrics, but when they were finished, I asked Steve, whom I’d never met before, 一个简单的问题突然出现在我的脑海里:“史蒂夫, how did it affect your life?”

This group wasn’t prepared to walk in and speak in front of all our presidents, but without missing a beat, 史蒂夫说:“我妻子现在和我说话更多了.”

这是未经排练的,是自发的,这是事实. He said:

"Do you know what it’s like, Bob, 在一个你每天早上都要出现的地方工作, you punch a card, you go to your station, you’re told what to do, 你没有得到你需要的工具去做你需要做的事情, 你做对了十件事却没人说一句话, 如果你做错了一件事,你就会被责骂? 你问问题,一周后才得到答复. 他们抱怨你的薪水或福利. 你知道晚上回家和家人在一起是什么感觉吗? You feel pretty empty.

I realize now, in hindsight, 当我自我感觉不好的时候, 我不是一个好相处的人. That was basically every day. 但自从推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜开始这个项目以来,我一直在努力让事情变得更好. People ask me what I think; they listen to me, 我就有机会去影响一些事情, including my own job. 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜建立新的装配流程的方法确实有效, 回家的时候,我可以感觉自己完成了一天的工作, 不要浪费时间去追逐角色或者怨恨. 当我感到被尊重,知道我一天的工作做得很好, 我自我感觉很好, 当我自我感觉更好的时候, I’m nicer to my wife, and you know what’s amazing? 当我对我妻子好点的时候,她会和我说话."

Steve felt humiliated on a regular basis, so much so that he lost confidence in himself. 他失去了尊严,每天晚上都带着空虚回家.

The way we treat people at work affects the way they feel about themselves and, in turn, 他们如何对待身边的人.

I recently spoke with Donna Hicks,作家,冲突解决专家和哈佛大学教授. I have been reading her book, Leading With Dignity, where she says this:

"Leading with dignity demands that we pay close attention to the effects we have on others. Without such knowledge, relationship problems that plague the workplace will continue. Understanding the powerful forces that are unleashed with a violation of dignity (anger, resentment, 复仇的欲望)以及尊严受到尊重的时候(爱), loyalty, and the desire to give of oneself freely) will make it easier for leaders to do what is right. 当这种意识成为领导者的一部分时, not only do people thrive, 但是这个组织和他们一起茁壮成长."

I’ve come to realize that what we are trying to do at Barry-Wehmiller is foster a dignity-honoring culture, 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜的工作场所应该做什么, 而不是让尊严受到伤害的人永久化. And recognizing and upholding the dignity of our people is deeper that just giving them respect.


When I attended a wedding many years ago and had the life-changing revelation that 每个人都是某人的宝贝孩子, it made me realize that leaders are bestowed with an awesome responsibility: To provide the care and inspiration and support that that precious human being needs to become everything he or she was meant to be.

As 唐娜·希克斯在接受《推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜》采访时说:

"Dignity is something we are born with -- it is our inherent value and worth. We have little trouble seeing it when a child is born; there is no question about whether they are something of value. In fact, we would say that children are invaluable, priceless and irreplaceable.
推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜该如何对待无价之宝、无价之宝和不可替代的东西? 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜对它给予最大的关心和关注. 尽管推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜生来都值得这种关心和关注, 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜生来就很容易受到尊严的侵犯. 因此,有尊严地对待他人就成了推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜交往的底线. 你不需要做任何事来获得尊严.

We in business are exacerbating this poverty of dignity in the world because we see people as objects for our success. But, for 40 hours or more a week, we have the opportunity to change the world with our leadership."

With Steve Barlament, 这一切都始于简单的倾听, which was a release valve of pent up frustration and the simplest way we can begin to start honoring the dignity of others. As Thomas Friedman wrote:

“有时只需要倾听他们的意见, 但要深入倾听,而不是等着他们停止说话. 因为倾听是尊重的终极表现. 你在听的时候所说的话比任何言语都更有说服力.

一旦史蒂夫的意见得到倾听,他的专长得到利用,他就会感到受到重视. 他觉得自己在改变世界. 他觉得自己很有价值. 当他的建议被采纳后,他的工作变得更好了. He wasn’t frustrated. 他满心欢喜地回家了. 他对待家人的态度不同. This is how we can start to heal our brokenness by ending the hunger for dignity and sending people home as better spouses, parents, children, friends, and neighbors."

It reminds me of a quote by the late Harvard Business School Professor, Clay Christensen:

"The causality of happiness is focusing your energy on helping other people be better people rather than focusing on ourselves. 如果你管理公司的目的是培养更好的人, the products that you make and the profitability you create is a byproduct of making other people better. Then it can create a business organization that’s not like anything that we have seen before.

Isn’t this the kind of company you would want your precious child to work for? Isn’t this the kind of company you would like to work for? 这难道不会给员工带来真正的快乐和投入吗?"

这就是商业如何成为一股强大的力量, 通过足够关心他们的人民来恢复, 尊重和维护尊严是人类的基本需要.

Leaders, it’s time to start feeding the hungry instead of starving them when they are within our span of care.

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Need help in applying principles of Truly Human Leadership in your organization? Chapman & Co. Leadership Institute is Barry-Wehmiller's leadership consulting firm that partners with other companies to create strategic visions, engage employees, improve corporate culture and develop outstanding leaders through leadership training, assessments and workshops.

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