
  • 鲍勃·查普曼
  • 鲍勃·查普曼
    首席执行官 & Barry-Wehmiller的主席

当 Everybody Matters: The Extraordinary Power of Caring for Your People Like Family 将于10月上映. 6, 你会发现很多简单的故事, 强大的, transformative and testable idea: that every one of your team members is important and worthy of care.

在接下来的几个星期里, we want to give you a preview of the book by focusing on some of the people whose stories ultimately became part of a bigger story at Barry-Wehmiller. 其中一些推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜已经在这个博客上讲过了, but we want to use this space to deepen and expand on those individual experiences and show the ripple effect of what happens when everybody truly matters in an organization.

推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜的结束语 领导的指导原则, Barry-Wehmiller的文化愿景宣言, reads: We are committed to our employees’ personal growth.

There’s a reason we ended with that aspirational statement. We wanted to ensure that everyone throughout the organization kept in focus one of our most important commitments: bringing forth the gifts and talents of those who contribute to our shared vision. 当 we help our team members flourish, amazing things can happen.


珍妮是推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜的副财务主管 BW集成系统 伊利诺斯州罗密欧维尔分部. 在之前的一篇文章中, I wrote about the significant personal growth Jenny has experienced during her 12 years with us.

感谢Mike Morton这样的导师, BWCS的财务副总裁, who early on encouraged her to try things she didn’t think she could handle, 珍妮已经长大成人了, somewhat shy and unassuming temporary employee into a confident, admired and forward-thinking leader throughout the BW集成系统 organization. 今天, 珍妮带领一个六人小组, teaches Communications Skills Training to dozens of team members each year, and gives presentations to help associates in other departments understand how their role contributes to the organization’s overall financial success.

“If someone had told me a few years ago that I’d confidently stand up in front of a roomful of people and make complex financial information seem relevant and interesting to the guys in the shop or engineering or shipping, 我永远也不会相信,珍妮说。. “五年前,我不可能做到这一点. Now I love the opportunity to share what I’ve learned to help others grow.”

Mike’s encouragement of Jenny’s leadership skills ultimately cascades to the members of her finance team, to those she teaches in Communications Skills classes, to those who attend her Financial Basics presentations, 到整个BW集成系统组织.

But the impact of Jenny’s leadership doesn’t stop there.

Jenny’s good friend Sarah works for a Chicago-based trade association. Recently Sarah was promoted into her first formal “management” role, leading a team of five people. Several of those team members had been with the association for a long time.

“Sarah confided in me that she was struggling with the people on the team who had been there awhile,珍妮说. “They didn’t seem willing to listen to her ideas or care about making changes in order to tackle the heavy workload.”

在莎拉描述了情况之后, Jenny saw an opportunity—Sarah’s team was ready for her to be a coach, 不是经理. “People need to be given the chance to put their own ideas into practice, 否则他们不会拥有所有权. So many leaders think they are there to give all the answers. But, given the opportunity, the team members will find their own answers. That’s not to say there won’t be kinks and curves along the way, but that’s part of the team’s journey to discover the best answers.”
莎拉-和- i - 450 x800

Jenny suggested that Sarah spend one-on-one time with her team, 了解他们每个人, 询问他们的想法,以提高团队的活力. 莎拉做到了,而且做得更多. “She took them each to lunch and listened to their ideas but she also asked each of them where they wanted to go in the organization and what she could do to help them get there.”

Sarah’s lunchtime sessions made her realize her team didn’t feel recognized for their efforts. So she implemented a quarterly reward program to honor small but crucial wins within the team. “The last time I talked to Sarah she was very excited about how things were going on the team. Her one-on-one sessions helped establish mutual trust and respect,珍妮说。.

莎拉认为珍妮是她“经常的参谋”. She is genuinely interested in my day-to-day goals and challenges, 总是问很多问题,莎拉说. “Her questions really help me reflect on how I’m feeling about things and on my performance as a leader.”

15年的朋友, Sarah has watched Jenny transform into a leader who sincerely cares about mentoring others. “我一直在向她学习,”莎拉分享道. “As a working mom, she has taught me how to identify and balance my priorities. As a professional, she has taught me that I should always challenge myself. 作为领导者, she has taught me to focus on helping the people on my team grow and develop, 并尽我所能做到这一点.”

迈克致珍妮, to Jenny’s team and the many co-workers she teaches throughout BW集成系统, to Sarah who is now passing the lessons learned from Jenny on to her team at her organization. 谁会是下一个? 优秀领导的连锁反应是无限的.

谁在你的锁链里? 谁会是你的下一个涟漪?


鲍勃·查普曼/ 2013年11月20日
鲍勃·查普曼/ 2016年7月20日
播客:BW集成系统公司的Pete Carlson

Need help in applying principles of Truly Human 领导 in your organization? 查普曼 & Co. 领导 Institute is Barry-Wehmiller's leadership consulting firm that partners with other companies to create strategic visions, 参与员工, improve corporate culture and develop outstanding leaders through leadership training, 评估及工作坊.

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