
  • 鲍勃·查普曼
  • 鲍勃·查普曼
    首席执行官 & Barry-Wehmiller的主席

几周前, as I was preparing to give a keynote at the American Conference on Physician Health, 我在美国发现了这些惊人的数据.S. 新闻与世界报道:

  • One-third of physicians report experiencing burnout at any given point
  • Doctors are 15 times more likely to burn out than professionals in any other line of work
  • 45 percent of primary care physicians report that they would quit if they could afford to do so
  • Physicians have a 10 to 20 percent higher divorce rate than the general population
  • There are 300 to 400 physician suicide deaths each year

This information had a great impact as I prepared my remarks for this conference. I often write about the impact our leadership has on our team members. Most leaders consider their influence on them during work hours, 但通常情况下, they don’t think about how their leadership affects them outside the workplace as well.

The response to my keynote – the reaction online and from those who came up to speak to me afterward – affirmed that this is a distressing issue in healthcare. Imagine what it’s like to be a doctor – someone responsible for the health and wellbeing of so many – and not feel valued and cared for.

“Healthcare has changed significantly over the last 20 years, 变化的步伐并没有放慢,保罗·德尚说, 做了25年的家庭医生, who has also had many different leadership roles in healthcare, 包括300名医生团队的首席执行官.

“Everything is more complex – patient demographics, 诊断和治疗方案, 医疗保健工作人员的多样性, 补偿机制, 规定, 电子病历, 等.他说。. “All of these put great pressure on the leaders, and many leaders are disconnected from the front-line clinicians who are burning out trying to care for the patients in this complex environment.”

Paul was in the audience for my keynote speech. He currently works as an executive coach to healthcare leaders to implement business systems and approaches to culture to create healthy workplaces that address the root causes of burnout.

“There is great opportunity to improve leadership with the Everybody Matters philosophy and build mutual respect between leadership and the clinicians他说。.

另一位与会者,Dr. 乔治蒋介石, the incoming chief of staff at Rady Children’s Hospital San Diego, who also chairs their wellness advocacy committee, said “In healthcare the problems with leadership involve the limited bandwidth of the local leaders themselves to enact change of a group while still usually being busy with clinical work which is always the priority.”

We rightfully lift up those in the medical community because of the importance of their work. We give them the respect they deserve because of their education, their dedication to healing and the weight of their responsibility to human life. But do we fail to see them as regular people who themselves need care and support?

“作为一名儿童外科医生, it resonated that everyone is a cherished life and that loved ones caring for loved ones is integral to building our community of appreciation and mutual respect,” Dr. Chiang said, of one of the points in my speech.

治疗者也可以伤害. 谁医治医治者?

“Everyone is so busy trying to respond to the growing expectations and fast-paced changes that we forget sometimes to just slow down and remember we are talking to real people in every role with which we interact,克里斯汀·爱德华兹说, 谁也参加了我的演讲. She is the Medical Director of Palliative Care for Yale New Haven Health–Bridgeport Hospital and was also recently appointed Medical Director of Physician Wellness.

Being a physician in today’s world is an incredibly high-stress position. 他们真的掌握着推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜的生命. It is critical that their leadership in the healthcare industry begins to address issues of stress and burnout with their people.

The fundamentals of Truly Human 领导 seem simple, but are they being practiced in healthcare systems? Are those leaders trying to figure out ways to value the doctors, 护士和其他照顾病人的工作人员?

“I lead a small, but extremely motivated team at work,” Kristin said. “I also have two young children with VASTLY different personalities.  通过这两种经历, I have learned that what works best is tailoring my development plans to the individuals. 但是为了做到这一点, 它需要真正的倾听, 带着好奇的态度, 以及对他们善良的基本信念.”

The way those leaders lead impacts the way people live, and in turn, treat their patients.

“We’re in a situation of leadership malpractice,保罗·德尚说. “就像在医学上一样, if someone is not following the best practices that are available, and patients or employees are being harmed as a result, 人们可以认为这是玩忽职守. It sounds harsh, but the negative impact is serious and can be avoided.”

医疗保健机构的领导者, the time is now to begin to institute values and processes to heal the healers. 生命取决于它.


鲍勃·查普曼/ 二零一七年十一月十五日
布伦特·斯图尔特/ 2023年4月13日
Podcast: Your Leader Is More Important Than Your Doctor
鲍勃·查普曼/ 2019年6月13日

Need help in applying principles of Truly Human 领导 in your organization? 查普曼 & Co. 领导 Institute is Barry-Wehmiller's leadership consulting firm that partners with other companies to create strategic visions, 参与员工, improve corporate culture and develop outstanding leaders through leadership training, 评估及工作坊.

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